I killed a turkey! We had a big celebration for the Thanksgiving Day and I had the honor of bringing the turkey, down the mountain (1hr walk), 15 min taxi ride to Mt. Moorosi, 15 truck ride to river, 5 minute boat ride across the Orange River, 1 hr walk to Bethel, eating turkey in Lesotho on Thanksgiving Day, priceless. Check out these pics!
Wait till my students see this. They will be making phone calls to PETA. Hypocrites! Lindsey said to write something for her too. She says yes Turkey on Thanksgiving is priceless indeed.
Miss you and love you.
Darren and Lindsey
P.S. Save the wishbone
Hey Julie
Merry Christmas. We tried to call you but needed a different card. Just figured out how to get on your blog, so I will talk with you more often. Great work and you look great. Miss and love you.
Dad and Betsy
P.S Mike and Hannah say hi too
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